سورة البقرة بصوت هزاع البلوشي

by NoonQuran

Music & Audio


Surat Al-Baqara is complete, with the narration of Hafs on the authority of Asim, with the voice of the reader, Hazza Al-Balooshi, for listening without the InternetDefinition of Surah Al-BaqarahAl-Baqarah is the longest surah in the Holy Qur’an, and it is the second in the Qur’an in order, not by download. It is a civil surah with 286 verses, 6144 words, and 25613 letters. God told Moses to order his people to slaughter a cow and to strike the slain person with one end of it so that God would bring him back to life and tell them himself about his killer.Her bountyThe cow has many virtues mentioned in a number of authentic hadiths. Among that, we mention, for example, that reading it expels demons, due to the words of the Holy Prophet: (The devil flees from the house in which Surah Al-Baqarah is recited), and reading it is a reason to obtain intercession, due to the saying of the Noble Prophet: (Read the two bright ones: Al-Baqarah and Al-Imran, for they will come on the Day of Resurrection as if they were two clouds Or two veils, or as if they were two flocks of birds in rows, pleading on behalf of their companions. Among its virtues is also that it is a blessing and a reason for nullifying magic and sorcery, as the Holy Prophet said: (Read the cow, for taking it is a blessing and leaving it is a regret, and the heroic magicians cannot do it).Through our application, you can listen to the entire image of Al-Baqara, as well as memorize Surat Al-Baqara in a voice without the net.This application includes Surat Al-Baqarah written in a large font, with the ability to read and recite the surah without the need for the Internet.This program contains various features to benefit more, including:* A light application that does not require much storage space* Compatible with most modern phones* Stylish and attractive design of the application* Morning and Evening Prayers* Read Surat Al-Baqara while listening* Electronic rosary* You can save the surah as an alarm or call toneIn the end, we can only thank you for downloading this application, which we sincerely hope will be in your good opinion, and we hope that you will not skimp on your comments and evaluations for further giving and development of the program, God willing.We are always available for any question or suggestion, you can contact us via e-mail.